Hello everyone I have been away; so busy with so many things, my plate is full now, but I have not forgotten about my blog. Many of you have e-mail me and ask me what's going on you haven't post much lately and the answer is: I am sorry, I have been really busy with my personal life, and with my responsibilities as IML, read up and I will fill you in.
OK last time I was here was September 16 yeah John Pendal IML XXV cut me on that...
But here it is:
MML in Michigan the weekend was so well organize Randy and Calvin took the bull by the horns, and had an amazing contest with 6 wonderful contestants, David the winner really cut my eye, what a sexy guy! and he knows how to finger feed you WOOF! he will be competing in IML next year, so if you see him around tell him you are hungry it will turn him on :)
Right after that I was back in San Francisco for Folsom, Friday night I DJ at the Lookout it was a great party and even though is not a Leather bar few folks were there shaking their asses to my tribal beats, it felt good to see leather at my party is always good I should say. All of you know that Folsom is like the biggest leather gathering there is, I had the opportunity to share the stage with all the current title holders and I worked for Elbow Grease, company that have sponsored me few times and its owner Dave Mazer is a great friend of mine, look for their new add, is me on my stomach with a big rope across my behind:)
I went to Donna’s brunch, it was wonderful I had some Mic time and I invited the community to keep the unity, message that I have been carrying around ever since I won Mr. Barracks. I also had the opportunity to announce that I was engage to my now husband Julian Marshburn Mr. San Francisco Leather 2004 and some faces where a little bit shocked LOL...
As you all know I love to go out dancing so I took my ass to Magnitude wearing my rubber suit that I really love, Stockroom did a great job with it, and speaking of rubber is my new thing, I really like the feel of it and I like even more when Julian piss all over me when I am wearing it WOOF!
I partied like a rock star, fun FUN times... especially down stairs we had the chance to play in the dungeon for a little bit.
For the record, I want you guys to know that having fun is OK, that when you guys go to an event is not only about how much money you raise or the community services, all these aspects are as important as having fun is, there is a trend in every event I go, that is all about money money; charity charity; I am all for it, but we just can’t forget what a leather event is all about and the basis of it is: TO HAVE FUN! otherwise what we are going to have (in no time) is another church that no one wants to go, so my friends, go out there and have some fun with your peers, take a break from fundraising and treat yourself to a good dance or a bar or even better to a good play scene.
I flew back to Palm springs to spend some time with my family that came and visit me, it was a wonderful week, late nights chats and tons of food YUMMY.
In no time they were gone :( but I had also to continue my world tour, if you will.
I had my step down as Mr. Barracks Leather 2008, I didn't prepare an speech for it, just like when I competed for the title, I felt I didn't need to pre-pare my words to talk to my family at the Barracks, is my home bar though, is like being at home for me, talking to my family doesn't need any type of pre-parartion; it was right from my heart and few tears where in the audience, it was a moving moment for me, because I realize the my time as title holder is running short, so there is when all the concerns came to me, and questions like what am I doing? or is it enough all the work I’ve done? the fact of the matter is that it will never be enough, there is always good things to do for our community, and only one person can not do it all.
I encourage you brothers and sisters to pick up the paste and continue the magnificent labor of love we all do without forgetting to have fun.
The following weekend I was again on a plane destination SFO excited to see my babe and also to attend to International Leather Sir/boy, The super hot couple from Florida took the title, I was very happy for the Sir witch is Cuban, because was another big title to the Latino community as you know (or can read it in my English) I am Venezuelan, ABW Randy is Cuban and ILSb is Cuban too, the maracas where all over.
Speaking of Maracas take the time and get the new issue of Instigator Magazine there is an article about me that I’m sure will make you laugh, and after you read it will make you think, read it and catch up with our live style.
OK stands for Oklahoma, at the Republican town 5 of my classmates got together, it was great what a great experience, all of us hanging out together and Judging Mr. Oklahoma, we talk about everything, I mean everything!!! we shared once again the real brotherhood that bound us at IML, we laughed, we cried, we did silly things together, Dave and Alfaro I hope they are not mad anymore, my advice to you Alfaro let him have the go-go boy you can do much better, but honestly Dave I need more details of the scene, I’m sure Alfaro doesn’t want hear about it, but I do LOL. I had the privilege to meet Larry Everett IML XVII WHAT A DADDY!
My brother Alfaro represented Texas and made the top 20 at IML XXX he is a working bee, but for infortuitos (unfortunate) of live his title was taken away from him, for what it sounds to me like a she said, he said situation, and the gossip enter in our home and destroyed what we cherish so much; our integrity.
Integrity is more valuable than anything to me and the type of integrity that my brother Alfaro shows makes me believe that there is way more that what the public eye knows, but we just live of what others, papers or publication say; don't we?
Next time you see him please take the time to talk to this wonderful leather brother and listen what he has to say. I say everywhere I go, we cant let our egos or power take control and damage the institution of our brotherhood, lets start talking like responsible adults and before we attack, do anything or take away titles from candidates, that earn them (fair and square) and were man enough to stand on stage for their community, look at yourself first, and try to re consolidate, because the damage that we can cause is not only to one person, is to all of us!!! & I feel so much for it. Alfaro I love you Bro! you can count on me.
In Oklahoma they kept asking to the contestants do you think you are pretty? OMG! who came out with that one?
My brothers had a bachelors party for me witch I don't quite remember... oops those lemon drops where too sweet LOL but it was a blast. Congratulations to Brad and good luck in IML.
Back on a plane to see my babe for a whole week, it was his birthday I got him a nice gift, and we played hard, oh he is so hot and when he gears up even hotter!!! ...beating the hell of each other... I just got hard thinking about it. I am not allow to share much but my friends, trust me when things get going at home they get really hot.
Well I guess I just can’t skip this part; sometime that week I got married to Julian it was a very nice ceremony at Rotunda San Francisco city hall, he figured out a way to get us there on a Sunday so it was MAGNIFICENT it was perfect, simple, elegant, and all the important people in our lives were there, we had a nice reception and the cake was the best thing ever; honestly it was a moment to remember as the happiest day of my life.
I’ll be back really soon with Halloween, Palm Springs pride, my step down as Mr. Palm Springs, some story about being attack at a bar, my moving out day, and all the details about proposition 8 protests I am attending.
BTW I don't hate Mormons; I am not like them, but they need to mind their own business and they are going to hear from me.
OK last time I was here was September 16 yeah John Pendal IML XXV cut me on that...
But here it is:
MML in Michigan the weekend was so well organize Randy and Calvin took the bull by the horns, and had an amazing contest with 6 wonderful contestants, David the winner really cut my eye, what a sexy guy! and he knows how to finger feed you WOOF! he will be competing in IML next year, so if you see him around tell him you are hungry it will turn him on :)
Right after that I was back in San Francisco for Folsom, Friday night I DJ at the Lookout it was a great party and even though is not a Leather bar few folks were there shaking their asses to my tribal beats, it felt good to see leather at my party is always good I should say. All of you know that Folsom is like the biggest leather gathering there is, I had the opportunity to share the stage with all the current title holders and I worked for Elbow Grease, company that have sponsored me few times and its owner Dave Mazer is a great friend of mine, look for their new add, is me on my stomach with a big rope across my behind:)
I went to Donna’s brunch, it was wonderful I had some Mic time and I invited the community to keep the unity, message that I have been carrying around ever since I won Mr. Barracks. I also had the opportunity to announce that I was engage to my now husband Julian Marshburn Mr. San Francisco Leather 2004 and some faces where a little bit shocked LOL...
As you all know I love to go out dancing so I took my ass to Magnitude wearing my rubber suit that I really love, Stockroom did a great job with it, and speaking of rubber is my new thing, I really like the feel of it and I like even more when Julian piss all over me when I am wearing it WOOF!
I partied like a rock star, fun FUN times... especially down stairs we had the chance to play in the dungeon for a little bit.
For the record, I want you guys to know that having fun is OK, that when you guys go to an event is not only about how much money you raise or the community services, all these aspects are as important as having fun is, there is a trend in every event I go, that is all about money money; charity charity; I am all for it, but we just can’t forget what a leather event is all about and the basis of it is: TO HAVE FUN! otherwise what we are going to have (in no time) is another church that no one wants to go, so my friends, go out there and have some fun with your peers, take a break from fundraising and treat yourself to a good dance or a bar or even better to a good play scene.
I flew back to Palm springs to spend some time with my family that came and visit me, it was a wonderful week, late nights chats and tons of food YUMMY.
In no time they were gone :( but I had also to continue my world tour, if you will.
I had my step down as Mr. Barracks Leather 2008, I didn't prepare an speech for it, just like when I competed for the title, I felt I didn't need to pre-pare my words to talk to my family at the Barracks, is my home bar though, is like being at home for me, talking to my family doesn't need any type of pre-parartion; it was right from my heart and few tears where in the audience, it was a moving moment for me, because I realize the my time as title holder is running short, so there is when all the concerns came to me, and questions like what am I doing? or is it enough all the work I’ve done? the fact of the matter is that it will never be enough, there is always good things to do for our community, and only one person can not do it all.
I encourage you brothers and sisters to pick up the paste and continue the magnificent labor of love we all do without forgetting to have fun.
The following weekend I was again on a plane destination SFO excited to see my babe and also to attend to International Leather Sir/boy, The super hot couple from Florida took the title, I was very happy for the Sir witch is Cuban, because was another big title to the Latino community as you know (or can read it in my English) I am Venezuelan, ABW Randy is Cuban and ILSb is Cuban too, the maracas where all over.
Speaking of Maracas take the time and get the new issue of Instigator Magazine there is an article about me that I’m sure will make you laugh, and after you read it will make you think, read it and catch up with our live style.
OK stands for Oklahoma, at the Republican town 5 of my classmates got together, it was great what a great experience, all of us hanging out together and Judging Mr. Oklahoma, we talk about everything, I mean everything!!! we shared once again the real brotherhood that bound us at IML, we laughed, we cried, we did silly things together, Dave and Alfaro I hope they are not mad anymore, my advice to you Alfaro let him have the go-go boy you can do much better, but honestly Dave I need more details of the scene, I’m sure Alfaro doesn’t want hear about it, but I do LOL. I had the privilege to meet Larry Everett IML XVII WHAT A DADDY!
My brother Alfaro represented Texas and made the top 20 at IML XXX he is a working bee, but for infortuitos (unfortunate) of live his title was taken away from him, for what it sounds to me like a she said, he said situation, and the gossip enter in our home and destroyed what we cherish so much; our integrity.
Integrity is more valuable than anything to me and the type of integrity that my brother Alfaro shows makes me believe that there is way more that what the public eye knows, but we just live of what others, papers or publication say; don't we?
Next time you see him please take the time to talk to this wonderful leather brother and listen what he has to say. I say everywhere I go, we cant let our egos or power take control and damage the institution of our brotherhood, lets start talking like responsible adults and before we attack, do anything or take away titles from candidates, that earn them (fair and square) and were man enough to stand on stage for their community, look at yourself first, and try to re consolidate, because the damage that we can cause is not only to one person, is to all of us!!! & I feel so much for it. Alfaro I love you Bro! you can count on me.
In Oklahoma they kept asking to the contestants do you think you are pretty? OMG! who came out with that one?
My brothers had a bachelors party for me witch I don't quite remember... oops those lemon drops where too sweet LOL but it was a blast. Congratulations to Brad and good luck in IML.
Back on a plane to see my babe for a whole week, it was his birthday I got him a nice gift, and we played hard, oh he is so hot and when he gears up even hotter!!! ...beating the hell of each other... I just got hard thinking about it. I am not allow to share much but my friends, trust me when things get going at home they get really hot.
Well I guess I just can’t skip this part; sometime that week I got married to Julian it was a very nice ceremony at Rotunda San Francisco city hall, he figured out a way to get us there on a Sunday so it was MAGNIFICENT it was perfect, simple, elegant, and all the important people in our lives were there, we had a nice reception and the cake was the best thing ever; honestly it was a moment to remember as the happiest day of my life.
I’ll be back really soon with Halloween, Palm Springs pride, my step down as Mr. Palm Springs, some story about being attack at a bar, my moving out day, and all the details about proposition 8 protests I am attending.
BTW I don't hate Mormons; I am not like them, but they need to mind their own business and they are going to hear from me.
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